“The World’s Most Dangerous Man“: Mary Trump on Her Uncle, President Trump, & Why He Must Be Ousted

“In my family, being kind was considered being weak,“ says Mary Trump, President Trump’s niece, a clinical psychologist and author of “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.“ We spend the hour with Mary Trump, discussing her book the president doesn’t want people to read, in which she describes his upbringing in a dysfunctional family that fostered his greed, cruelty and racist and sexist behaviors — which he is now inflicting on the world. Mary Trump also discusses the president’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, his long history of lies and misrepresentations, and the dangers of his reelection. “I believe that this country is on the knife’s edge, and I don’t want anybody going to cast their vote in November being able to claim that they just don’t know who they’re voting for,“ she says. #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV
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