Elliott Smith - Junk Bond Trader (early version)

the imitation wore a colorful habit riding in the glow of the tv static taking out the trash to the man give the people something they understand a stickman flashing a fine-line smile a Junk bond trader trying to sell a sucker a style rich man in a poor mans clothes the permanent installment of the daily dose and you tell people they’re too paranoid but it’s only you they must avoid fast asleep in a small reality boring as a drug you take too regularly the athlete’s laugh; the broken crutch the first true love that failed because you felt too much night brought you to no decision but to execute every day with precision happy holidays, said sad savior the leaving lover that I still favor you gave me rhetoric no sympathy the saddest song, a symphony but i don’t expect anyone to quite connect my broken heart together now I’m a policeman directing traffic keeping e
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