Testing an Infinite Energy Generator for 2 Hours | Liberty Engine #4

In this new delivery of the Liberty Engine, we bring you a long-term test of the infinite energy or free energy. In our previous videos you can see how to generate energy with a car alternator. In this case, many wondered how long the engine could last on and we bring you a two-hour video without cut while we connect all types of devices. If you are attentive to the subtitles you can also see many explanations of its operation Index: 00:00 PM Presentation 00:00:52 Long-term test 00:01:52 Engine boot 00:03:13 Test with TV 00:03:30 Test with microwave oven 00:04:10 Voltage check 00:11:15 The engine does not heat up 00:11:35 Explanation of the secret of magnets 00:22:33 Test with music equipment 00:37:30 Test with hair dryer 00:40:35 Test of grinder and hair dryer 00:46:30 Checks with multimeter 01:00:23 Test with grinder 01:17:22 Test with heater 02:01:15 We turn off the engine -------------------------------------------------- ---- All Videos of the Lib
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