So a few weeks ago I let you have a sneak peek of a performance taken of something top secret I’m working on.
... it was with Josh Smith on guitar, Gary Novak on drums... and me on bass.
Well... the comments you guys left were totally overwhelming. Honestly, you guys blew my mind with how into it you were.
But, there was more than a fair share of you that emailed in asking whether there were anymore performances on the way... and honestly, I wasn’t planning on sharing anymore until that top secret thing was ready for release, but... this new tune I recorded with them is sooooo damn funky, I couldn’t help myself, lol...
So... here’s another new performance from me, Josh and Gary... and as you’d expect, the guys are killin it!
Ooo... and there’s a bass solo in this one for ya too ;)
As always, see you in the shed…
Scott :)