Ridley Scott crafted his 1982 film “Blade Runner“ with an atmosphere of paranoia about corporate power. But while it’s implied that the companies in the film would endure, AEI’s Jonah Goldberg explains that the nature of capitalism is for corporate behemoths to compete for survival as newer, better, more innovative businesses emerge.
ARTICLE – The ‘Blade Runner’ curse and the overestimation of corporate might
ARTICLE – The Catholic roots of corporatism
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Photo credits:
BY - Elliott Brown
Warner Bros.
Photos marked “BY“ are used under Creative Commons Attribution License:
This video uses images from Warner Bros. “Blade Runner“ in specific reference to and criticism of portions of the film. In that regard, the use of these images should be considered a fair use in the United States.
Music credit:
BY - “Hot Nights in Los Angeles“ by Three Chain Links
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