Andrey Zaytsev memorial contest and picnic 2017
filmed by bg and vb, cut by bg
The street contest results:
Kirill KG Galushko 4000
Egor Loginov 3500
Ivan Kovtun 3000 special prize from ННХ and Zhenya Udobniy
Kolya Kilo Belov 2500
Daniel Coyote Goncharov 2000
Tomur Kuritsyn 2000
Sasha Sue 1500 special prize from ННХ
Zhenya Leonov 1500
Zhenya Reed Zhirov 1000 special prize from ННХ
Serega Sotskov 1000 special prize Legends Never Die tee
Grisha Mikhalitsyn 1000
Renat Gallyamov 500