BRICS Bombshell! Putin and China just DESTROYED the U.S. Dollar with this move | Redacted

We have THREE huge BRICS stories this week. First, BRICS announced a new payment system that directly challenges the dominance of the US dollar in international transactions. No more SWIFT system. Saudi Arabia ends it’s 50 year petro dollar agreement and announces they’re joining BRICS. And 59 new countries plan to join the BRICS system. This is a massive gut punch to the U.S. Dollar dominance as the world’s reserve currency. Our thanks to Hillcrest Energy Tech for sponsoring today’s video. Visit their website here to learn about their new technology: ✅Videos we recommend: ✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️ 👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557 👉 or go to ⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital n
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