1/3 Threads Movie 1984 BBC Nuclear War Documentary Drama

A 30-minute Threads movie edit focused on the documentary aspect of the film. Threads is a 1984 apocalyptic BBC nuclear war documentary drama. Centred on the industrial city of Sheffield in the north of England, it presents a grim vision of the likely effects a nuclear war will have on Britain and the planet. This video contains excerpts from the film documenting the US-provoked Russian invasion scenario that leads to nuclear war. Tensions between Russia and the West escalate after a covert US operation to bring down the regime in Iran. Russia, which invaded Afghanistan in 1979, invades northern Iran. America responds to the Russian invasion by sending a rapid response force to protect US interests in the oil-rich south. A series of incidents cause events to spiral out of control leading to the use of tactical battlefield nuclear weapons and nuclear war. Shot on a budget of £400,000, Threads was the first film of its kind to depict a nuclear winter. A groundbreaking BBC documentary
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