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Hellooooo how are you? This time it is a veryyyyy different edit!!! I have wanted to do a hot edit of Leyla and Kenan for a long time, the chemistry that Burak and Hande have is from another planet, the way they touch, look, kiss and hug each other is insane 🥵 I have never seen so much sexual tension, chemistry and attraction like them. They are a luxury for our pupils, I hope we see them again in another project. For now, enjoy this edit!!! Don’t forget to like and comment, share if you want, see you soon!!!✨🥰💓
Couple: Leyla Gediz & Kenan Öztürk/Doğan (LeyKen)
Actors: Hande Erçel & Burak Deniz (Hanbur)
Show: Bambaşka Biri
Song: Earned it - the weeknd
Program: Vegas pro 13
#handeerçel #burakdeniz #haymur #asklaftananlamaz #haymuredit #haymuredits #aşklaftananlamaz #haymurscenes #
2 months ago 01:00:45 1
ENIGMA style, 2024, 2025 Albertvandeyk, kamro indilla, enya, leo rojas, era, Yanni, Lessien, New Age