Английский язык 11 класс (Урок№16 - Rights and responsibilities.)

Английский язык 11 класс Урок№16 - Rights and responsibilities. Rights and responsibilities Do you know your rights? Do you have any responsibilities? In fact, everybody has both. Узнаем, научимся, сможем ● You will learn to talk about rights and responsibilities. ● You will practice in using gerund and infinitive. You are a teenager. You live in a democratic society, where people are free and have definite rights. Nobody can abolish your rights as they were established by United Nations and confirmed by Declaration. These rights defend human dignity and freedom. Everybody regardless of ethnic origin and age has the right to live. Also you have the right to choose religion. You have the right to education. Nobody must offend you. If you face with bad treatment, you shouldn’t tolerate it. You must deny it and stand for your right to be treated with respect. Nobody must reject your right to your own opinion. Remember that you deal with people. You mustn`t violate their rights. More than that you must accept responsibilities. You mustn`t break the law. You must behave well and help your parents. Studying is your responsibility. Pay attention to the word studying. It is – ing form It is used as a noun. Also we use it after certain verbs (admit , appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, imagine, mind, miss, practice, prevent, quit, save, suggest) He avoided answering my question. After dislike, enjoy, hate, love, like, prefer to express preferences. She likes painting. But to express specific preference after would like, would love, would prefer use to Infinitive I would like to paint your portrait. -ing form is used after expressions (be busy, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s (not) worth, what`s the use of, can’t help, there is no point in, can`t stand, have difficulty in, have trouble…) She is busy writing wedding invitations. After spend, waste, lose and prepositions: He was found guilty of lying in court. After “to” with look forward, be used to, get round to, object to, in addition to, prefer (doing): She objects to working on Saturdays. After the verbs hear, listen to, notice, see, watch and feel to describe an incomplete action: I listened to James singing a song. The to – infinitive is used to express purpose: Sam went to the bank to get some money. After certain verbs (appear, agree, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse): He promised to help us with the decorations. After adjectives which describe feelings and emotions, express willingness/unwillingness, refer to a person’s character and also with the adjectives lucky and fortunate: I was annoyed to hear that he had left. After certain nouns and pronouns such as something to show that something is necessary or possible: Take something to drink on the bus. After too/enough: She is too young to stay out so late. With it be adjective/noun: It is important to get there on time. To talk about an unexpected event which can be unpleasant (often with only): She came home to find her sister waiting for her. After be the first/second, next/last: He was the first to arrive. After verbs and expressions such as ask, learn, find out, wonder, want to know, decide, explain when they are followed by question words. “Why” is followed by a subject verb, not by an infinitive: He explained how to operate the machine. I don`t know why he left. The bare infinitive is used after modal verbs: He should apologize to his parents. (but ought is followed by to) After the verbs let, make, see, hear, feel: They saw her talk to the manager. After had better and would rather: You had better see a doctor. Help is followed by either the to –infinitive or the bare infinitive: She helped me (to) fill in my application form.
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