To Live And Die In Moscow - Chewing Gum In Your Hair (Eternal Sunshine Lyric Video)

Available on iTunes and everywhere. Footage: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Lyrics: I had a secret plan to become your lover But it feels like you don’t care I don’t feel myself not even like your f***king brother Who I am? I’m chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Oh, f**k, you don’t care You are Jennifer Lawrence of my dreams I see you everywhere But I don’t feel myself not even like your friend or dog Who I am? I’m chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Oh, f**k, you don’t care Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Chewing gum in your hair Oh, God, you don’t f**king care Lyrics: Ruminov. Music: the band. Recorded at Nitrojam Records, Moscow. Mixing: Karpov / Sishko / Sukhikh. The band: Pavel Ruminov - vox. Igo
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