1984 My Little Pony G1 Night Glider Vintage Toy Restoration - MLP Hasbro Toy Repair and Rehair
A challenging pony restoration with a tragic accident. I considered not showing my ugly mistake but I think it can help others. So here it is, the process of cleaning and re-hairing a MLP G1 Night Glider and some what-not-to-dos. (Note: Although I spent days trying to whiten the tail, the yellowing just never went away so I decided to redo it as well. I’m sending the owner the original tail so she can exchange if she so desires!). Night Glider is a G1 Twice as Fancy My Little Pony released by Hasbro in 1984.
Quick jump to:
- Intro: 0:04
- Removing the head: 00:28
- Removing the hair: 2:02
- Cleaning with Oxi Clean and Cif grime remover 02:36
- Cleaning with peroxide cream and UV light: 03:21
- Re-hairing: 5:00
- Re-gluing the head: 6:42
- Results: 7:06
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