NASA Apollo 15 Mission Footage

Film taken includes: - Unidentifiable views and a wide shot of the Mass Spectrometer experiment boom. - Views from camera mounted on the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) during a lunar surface excursion, scenes as LRV drives, and David Scott unloading equipment from LRV. - View of Lunar Module (LM) taken during transposition and docking and dark views possibly during a trans-Earth Extravehicular Activity (EVA). - Views from the Lunar Module (LM) window during descent to the moon and ascent from the lunar surface and a view from the Command Service Module (CSM) of a subsatellite deployment. - View of Lunar Module (LM) during transposition and docking phase and various scenes taken from the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) during a lunar excursion. NASA Identifier: Apollo15And1616mmOnboardFilm
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