X Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion

Through a 5-hour video, former Australian X Factor winner and musician Altiyan Childs reveals the elite’s secret religion and teaches you to understand and read their many occult symbols found all around you. (You can see it over a few rounds, I promise it is NOT boring, and I recommend seeing it all the way through, you will NOT regret it) A religion he himself was deeply initiated into, because otherwise he would never have been able to have the success he did. Because at the very top of the glittering world of power and fame, it is a prerequisite that you are ’in the club’, no matter how sick and insane it is. It’s an eye-opening and life-changing video, and you’ve guaranteed to NEVER see either the elite, the politicians, the rulers, the celebrities, Hollywood or anything else in this world, in the same way as before. I very much hope that you will SHARE this extraordinarily important video so that people can finally, once and for all, understand what kind of world we really live in. As well as understanding who actually controls pretty much the entire game, at least in terms of power, Hollywood, the big international pop stars, media, politics, money, etc.
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