The Cranberry Bay Pack in Fall 2023

Wonderful footage of the Cranberry Bay Pack from last fall, which starts with two pups playing around. And speaking of these pups: they are all felons for willful and malicious destruction of property (watch the video…they are caught red handed). Warrants are currently out for their arrest. On a more serious note, the Cranberry Bay Pack was a large pack last fall at 9 members (3 adults and 6 pups). By winter, the pack had decreased to 7 members (2 adults and 5 pups), which is still a large pack for our area. The decrease was due, in part, to the breeding female, Wolf V084, being usurped and kicked out by another female pack member in early December (i.e., this other female booted V084 so she could be the dominant female). Wolf V084 likely wandered around for much of the winter before she was caught and killed by a trapper in Ontario north of Voyageurs in March (she was a likely lone wolf at that time). The decrease was also due to a pup that likely died sometime in late fall or early winter as there were 6 pups in fall but only 5 in winter.
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