Phoenix - creating paper art

The Universe has brought Bohdan Rohulskyi, a talented videographer, to the tiny street in England where I live with my family... He fled the war conflict in Ukraine like millions of other refugees; but, in spite of the horrors of the circumstances, what an amazing synchronicity to have just the right person literally land on my doorstep! For ages I’ve been thinking that my home-made mobile videos do not allow online viewers to fully see and experience the 3-Dimensionality of my paper art. Bogdan brought his unique vision to the table (covered with tiny paper cuttings like every other surface in my studio); he created short video stories presenting several of my favorite paper portraits in the best light, literally. This is how this little collaboration came about, exactly at the time when I just started a new fiery paper artwork - the ’Phoenix’. It seems symbolic because Bogdan’s life in Ukraine has been burned to ashes, but from the ashes a new chapter of his life is rising and beginning to take flight here in the UK. This comparison came to me later, but in truth, there was no mental concept or idea that inspired me to create this artwork in the first place... If I really have to attach any words to this artwork, I would say that this portrait is about coming into your personal power: in any way that this might mean to you... and because of that the Phoenix will hold a unique message for each viewer - just pay attention to what emotion or feeling comes up for you in the first moments you see it. There is also a short message written on the sides of the paper strips that you can see towards the end of the video clip. Please enjoy! Bohdan’s Instagram: My Instagram:
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