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Детские торты вы можете посмотреть здесь-
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Описание :Пошаговое приготовление двухъярусного шоколадного торта с ореховым безе и шоколадной глазурью, украшенного лебедями-безе со сливочным кремом. Вкуснейший и эффектный торт, который украсит любой праздник - не торт, а сказка!
6-7 яиц
120 г сахара
130 г муки
30 г какао
1пак. ванильного сахара
1 ч.л. разрыхлителя
5 белков
250 г сахара
150 г грецких орехов
1 пак. ванильного сахара
Крем 1:
400 г слив. масла
600 г сгущ. молока
1 ст . л. коньяка
Крем 2 :
250г сливок
100 г сахарной пудры
100г сливок
130 г сахара
6г желатина
50 мл воды
15 г слив. масла
30 г какао
50 г шоколада
1 белок
60 г сахара
Буду рада видеть ваши работы в инстаграм у себя на странице
Step-by-step preparation of a two-tiered chocolate cake with nut meringue and chocolate icing, decorated with Swan meringue with butter cream. Delicious and spectacular cake that will decorate any holiday-not a cake, but a fairy tale!
6-7 eggs
120g sugar
130 g flour
30g cocoa
1 pack. vanilla sugar
1 tsp baking powder
5 proteins
250g sugar
150g walnuts
1 pack. vanilla sugar
Cream 1:
400 g plums. oils
600 g thickened. milk
1 PT . L. cognac
Cream 2 :
250g cream
100g icing sugar
100g cream
130g sugar
6g gelatin
50 ml of water
15 g of plums. oils
30g cocoa
50g chocolate
1 protein
60g sugar
So, we bake a chocolate biscuit: beat eggs with sugar
In the egg melange, add the mixed flour, cocoa and baking powder in three steps and mix gently
Spread the dough in a form of 26 cm and 15 cm and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
the cooled biscuit is cut into two parts each
Bake meringue with nuts: Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt until frothy, then gradually introduce the sugar and whisk for 10 minutes.
Add the toasted chopped nuts to the whites in several steps, stirring from top to bottom.
On the parchment, draw circles of the same diameter as the chocolate cakes. Spread the meringue on the prepared parchment. You should get two circles with a diameter of 25 cm and two circles with a diameter of 14 cm. Bake for 25 minutes at 160 degrees, leave in the oven for another 1 oil cream:
Beat the oil white, stopping in the process and cleaning the mass from the walls. Gradually, without stopping whipping, add a thin stream of condensed milk. At the end, add the cognac.
Collect the cake: biscuit-cream, meringue, cream, meringue-cream-cake,
In the same way, we collect a smaller diameter cake. Put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
Prepare the cream that you will need to align the cake and for the “ swans“:
Whisk the cold cream with the icing sugar.
We set aside a small part of the cream for the swans. The main mass aligns both tiers of the cake.
Cover the cake with melted chocolate or icing ( see the video recipe for how to make it). Pour the glaze in kinetic or a pastry bag. Make a hole a few mm.
On the edge of the cake in a zigzag pattern, pour the glaze and do damage. Cover both tiers of the cake. Send it to the refrigerator.
When the glaze hardens, put the tier on the tier.
How to cook meringue swans, you can see in my article, which I posted earlier. By the way, blanks for them can be prepared in advance, they can be stored up to 2 weeks.
From butter cream, make shells on the cake, put “wings“ and “necks“. Place the “swans“ on the cake from right to left.
Swan lake cake is ready! There is no limit to joy, especially for children!
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I will be happy to see your work on Instagram on my page
Children’s cakes can be viewed here -
Candy -
Cakes no-bake -
3D cakes-from https://ВСП.on / playlist?list=PLq36r7KVuA7Flm8ZNQtXpik1Xad27lQn4
Cakes -
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