Making a High Power Electric Scooter

Cotrollers 48v 18 amps, bought here - BMSka was selected taking into account the battery output current and the maximum current of the controllers, and this is 35 amps 13s, bought here - (now only 30a on sale) I made the battery myself from 18650 with a current return of 5.2 amperes per cell. Bought here - The whole battery turned out to be 13s6p with a capacity of 48v with a current output of about 35 amperes; All components for the manufacture of batteries: shrink sleeve - ribbon - gaskets for insulating contacts - plastic holders - xc60 connector - Brake disc with brake caliper bought here - If you are interested, here is a link to hydraulic brakes - Brake levers for a cable with a sensor for recuperation here - I bought the steering wheel here - Takeaway bought this one - Faro bought a simple one with a built-in horn - I bought a sandpaper for a deck from a skateboard here - Shock absorbers - Here you can put air shock absorbers - I decided to put the gas trigger with a voltmeter to track the battery charge - To monitor the speed and mileage, you can put this speedometer - Сontact email - lavilassanek@
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