Making a Small Parts Organizer with Drawers from Cardboard

My 6 Piece Screwdriver Set: High lumber prices putting the brakes on your creative endeavours? Got too many small parts cluttering up your existence? Is cardboard becoming a real problem due to all of the crap you buy on Amazon that you don’t need? Well, here’s the solution! You can actually make some pretty sweet stuff from cardboard, like this nifty parts organizer with drawers. You say it won’t last, but you, my friend, would be dead wrong - it will last for years, even with regular use. And you can get a lot more fancy than I did here, and be much more selective about the quality of the cardboard you use. It’s FREE, after all! Next: a cardboard table saw!! ▶️ Project plans for sale: ▶️Support the work I do on Locals: ▶️ Patreon: ▶️
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