Welcome to Bridge Builders, a live page building forum for the worlds of @WordPress, web design and development! Today, we have the legendary Kevin Geary and Brian Coords with us, building a nifty web page in Gutenberg and Bricks Builder - @bricksbuilder - while discussing their approaches.
Join us and make conversation! Have some chitter chatter! Kvetch! Witter! Piffle! Shoot the shizzle!
/* Chapters */
00:00 Start/intro
06:25 Website reveal
08:45 Brian Coords build - Gutenberg
57:00 Kevin Geary build - Bricks Builder
/* Why Bridge Builders? */
In today’s WordPress space, we see a lot of
... rivalry between page builder communities. Too often, it seems based on hearsay and reputation, with half-truths spreading and creating cult-like mentalities. With the Bridge Builders live stream, we want to help web professionals understand unfamiliar page builders by showcasing and discussing real-world page building workflows.
/* Who the f%ßk are these people?! */
// Hosts:
Matty Eastwood (@) guy who talks about web, design, dev, photography and copywriting and has a vague idea about these things, too.
Mark Szymanski (@markjszymanski) WordPress agency owner, educator, and consultant.
// Guests:
Kevin Geary @Gearyco WordPress Entrepreneur. Educator. Speaker. Father. Creator of Automatic CSS (ACSS), Frames and the criminally underrated Page Building 101 course.
Brian Coords @BrianCoords WordPress developer, educator and co-host of the viewSource podcast.
/* Check out the page builders! */
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