Jumbo: 4 the Streets (episode 8)

Our original goal this weekend was to take Zach to only the biggest spots. Well, one thing leads to another and the session just takes organic turns and none of the spots ended up actually being that big. Whoops. Michael confessed at the first spot that he accidentally at the wrong kind of gummies before the session. Honestly, it would make more sense if he did that every time he skates. That would explain his trick/spot selection, haha. Spot 2, we were busted immediately, but Kyle gave him the “we’re not taking ’no’ for an answer“ business and he gave us 15 minutes. I kind of wish we’d put a timer on every spot. For a freshly bricked ledge, never before skated, we got a lot done with a very short amount of time. I’m not sure how we found the last spot and why anyone wants to skate an awkward handicap rail next to a hole in the ground. Caleb took the L on that one. But I’m saving that clip for his full length section for Jumbo coming #soon. Brought the boys over for steak night at the crib and everyone tried to ride my bike. Bikes are hard. We should stick to skating, haha. 0:00 intro 0:28 franks rail 0:43 spot 1 2:47 ant hates it 3:21 kraft in outer space 3:46 the worst stair bash ever 4:39 curb slayers 5:20 spot 2 6:09 you got 15 minutes 9:27 spot 3 11:05 rib slayer 12:05 steak night baby yeah it’s steak night 14:15 cut
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