Our 5th Gland Cleanse is associated with the Thyroid Gland. As we know, this gland produces the hormones that are designated to regulate the body’s metabolic rate and helps assist with our heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development and bone maintenance.
When any of these functions fail to work properly, chaos can run through the body causing physical and emotional imbalance. Experiencing an imbalanced Thyroid can result in many physical dis-eases such sore throats, fevers, mood swings, and a lack of emotional expression.
The sound waves of this particular bowl are specifically tuned to help clear out the blockages we may be experiencing in this area of our bodies. These vibrations can penetrate through our Thyroid Gland, activating our dormant cells to function properly once again and help our body realign and find it’s way back to homeostasis.
Sound bathers commonly experience visions of the color blue when listing to this tone for prolonged periods of time w