Doom II: Okuplok Slaughter Map - UV-MAX in 44 saves - Part 6: The most difficult fight of the map

Okuplok about his map: “I’m going to make a long grindy slaughter map and surpass Holy Hell’s monster count. Why? Because I can.“ And he did as he said. 23216 monsters placed on an enormous map taking about 5 hours of non tool assisted gameplay. First time I played it I saved a lot: kill some monsters - save, get through a gap between enemies - save, damaging floor didn’t hurt - save, low damage roll - save, etc... But afterwards I realized that in that way the map is not hard or challenging - it is simply boring and it is kind of tool assisted gameplay. Hence I decided to try to beat it saving only between fights, minimizing the number of saves and making it a real challenge. So here it is: Okuplok Slaughter Map done in 44 saves only! That is definitely the hardest part of the map. That room took me at least twice that much time as the revenant corridor to beat. Hell knights quickly fill the center of the room making no space to move from one side to the other. The only way to do it is to run between them
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