Brutal Doom v22 Dev Diary 2 - Performance Comparisons, New Stuff

Here is a new dev diary showcasing the performance achievements, side by side comparisons with v21, and a bit of teasing of new features. Vanillafication I have decided to revert the design of many things in Brutal Doom to be more like what they used to be in Vanilla. One of these things you can already notice in the dev diary is the Chaingun, which now looks and plays a lot more like the Vanilla version. This also gives the opportunity for the Machinegun to be rebalanced to have a faster rate of fire and higher spread. Chaingun Zombies also have their old design restored. Removing the Archville’s horns and returning the Cacodemon’s crimson tone to its original bright tomato form are also planned. The Weapons System You may have found problems playing some custom maps which you are expected to have a rocket launcher or a plasma gun near the beginning, and it gets replaced by a Railgun or Grenade Launcher, and it makes playing the level basically impossible. The old weapon
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