The time has come - Ribale Wehbé

“The time has come “ (christmas nativity) is a hymn that is usually sang in the early morning on Christmas day , it is adapted from Greek to Arabic and it is taught from the monks of Xenophondos monastery located in Mount Athos . Performed by : Ribale Wehbé Composed / adapted by : Joseph Yazbeck Ison : Charis Trasanis Vasilis Papageorgiou Vangelis Karabasis Dimitris Zacharis Audio recording : Antart Studios- Greece Audio mixing / Mastering : Dan Spatariu Video production : Steve Berzghal Photography “حان الوقت “ نشيد ايقاظ الرهبان يوم الميلاد ، نقلاً عن رهبان دير الكزاينوفوندوس في جبل آثوس و هو يرتّل باكرا في صباح عيد الميلاد لايقاظ الرهبان للصلاة . آداء : ريبال وهبه تأليف : جوزيف يزبك اخراج الفيديو : ستيف برزغل
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