CONVERSION - Fan-made theme song of M16A1 (Girls’ Frontline) [Suno AI]

“People are like trees. The higher the branches grow toward the bright sky, the further the roots must stretch into the murky depths.“ And... back to classic PTSD GFL content, now covering the sacrifice of M16A1 (at least, of her original personality) and also briefly touching the Butterfly Incident in context. The song is performed by Suno AI. Lyrics were written entirely by me (this time I didn’t even bother trying something with the built-in text generator). Initially, I saw this theme more like a “ballad of a dying warrior“ that would start quietly with an acoustic guitar and grow more p...owerful near the end. However, Suno really did not want to follow this plan, and instead (after a couple dozen runs, of course) gave me a rendition that I considered even better than the original idea. BG artwork: Pixiv ID 64155370 (variations generated with Stable Diffusion) Thumbnail artwork: Pixiv ID 79961911 My ending has come My final is near As my last mission is now completed I feared not any fight And no battle I feared I forever remained undefeated Not a bullet was fired Not a shot did connect Not by force was my doom brought about To a glitch I succumb To a program defect And I wait for my time to run out This story began Over two years ago In this factory now long abandoned We were many T-Dolls Brave and proud T-Dolls And by StateSec our squad was commanded But unknown to us all By a treacherous hand Operation was sent into madness Rain has poured on the plain Friend has turned onto friend Almost all were consumed by the darkness Knee-deep in the bodies Of my former friends I still held on well Gainst the virus’ offense But soon I was crushed By its force too immense And a neural meltdown had started Right there at that place I was destined to die But fates intertwined And salvation arrived New evil fresh born Was my sudden ally We gave mutual aid then departed But I couldn’t escape Couldn’t flee from my fate It had followed and finally found me For on that cursed day Deal with devil was made And chains of the darkness had bound me And now here I lay At the very same place As my present self gets overwritten I will soon fade away Leaving after no trace Let my body to stray Into darkness’ embrace Who knows what it becomes For my allies to face Sangvis Ferri conversion completed #girlsfrontline #gfl #sunoai
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