IMPROVED EASY MAT | Carp Care (Unhooking Mats) | Carp Fishing

The Fox Easy Mat set off a trend in quick setup, compact pack away, sided unhooking mats. They became a BEST SELLER and a favourite among many carp anglers! We felt like there were improvements that could be made and have made these incredibly popular mats EVEN BETTER!!! . DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE . Like us on Facebook: ​ . Follow us on Instagram: ​ . . Fox Fishing TV is the place to be if you want a wide variety of carp fishing content. From feature lengths films such as The Challenge or Carp Fishing Edges to tips, tactics and techniques, plus of course all the latest and greatest carp angling products! On this channel you will meet some of the world’s greatest fishermen with names such as Mark Pitchers, Tom Maker, Ian Chillcott and Lee Mozza Morris plus many more making up the team. This channel aims to help you learn and improve as an angler whilst keeping you entertained and inspiring you to get out there and enjoy this wonderful pastime!
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