And with that! The Wilson Rework Is live! We should be getting a Wilson animated short very soon as well. Grant me one kromer: Discord: (Check lower for music and chapters) Wilsons Rework is in all honesty exactly what I expected it to be(in a good way) However I do still think there is some room for improvement. Wilsons number one pro is actually not his beard, but the fact that Wilson has no downsides. So Wilsons issue in regards of a rework is giving him abilities that are an improvement that simultaneously don’t make him too powerful and thus ruin the intrinsic value that is Wilson. And because of this, I found the torch throw somewhat useful along with beard storage and alchemy, and those were all good small buffs that give Wilson just that slight extra push. In other words, I could probably come up with a cooler way to buff him without forcing a downside on him but for now, my minds a blank good job to
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