Five Reigns Reel 2 (1914-1918)

Material assembled for an uncompleted documentary probably put together in the late 1940s. Sound is intermittent throughout. There is no complete shot listing - please let Pathe know if you spot something we have missed. This reel covers the First World War. Poster “War declared on Germany“. Crowds in front of the Bank. Dates change from 1914 to 1918. Ships at sea. Admiral Jellicoe. The fleet at sea. British expeditionary force arrives in France. Troops disembark, and go up to the line marching and in old buses. Kitchener’s army prepares. Kitchener inspects troops, Big guns on the move. Troops on the march. Firing big guns. Carrying ammunition in the snow. Loading and firing big guns. Town ruins. Biplane flying overhead. Kaiser inspects German troops. Czar inspects Russian troops. Russian army in the field. Gas driven car. British troops in Egypt. French and Italian troops in Salonica / Salonika. King of Serbia inspects Troops. British women’s war activities. Nice shots of women munitions workers
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