The Walsh Brothers (1929-1931)

Singing duo The Walsh Brothers. Pathe Studio, London. (Beginning of item is missing.) The Walsh Brothers, two men in white tie and tails, one sitting at the piano, one standing beside it, seem to be in the middle of a song that goes ’Is Izzy Vorse Or Is ’E As ’E Vos?’. It’s about a lawyer calling round to see an ill client. Both have quite strong Jewish accents. They then go into a bit of patter about Izzy buying a new motor car - a Rolls Royce, in which he rolls all the way into business and rolls all the way back again. They tell us Izzy’s brother Jakey bought himself a Vauxhall (“he vauxhall all the way to business and vauxhall the way back again“.) Then they go into a song about Mr Izzy Goldstein’s typist who tries to flirt with him, until he says ’There is no friendship in business’ (seems to also be the title of the song). The next verse is about a cow Mr Goldstein bought. He sold the back half of it to Mr Levi who was pleased, because while Izzy was feeding his half, Levi was mil
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