Funeral Of King Mohammed V Of Morocco (1961)

Unissued / unused material. American newsreel item. Funeral of King Mohammed V of Morocco (aka Sidi Mohammed, Ben Youssef, Sultan of Morocco), Rabat, Morocco. Panning shot vast crowds lining road. CU woman crying. Pan with the coffin being borne from the Royal Palace. MS crowd waving their hands. Various shots of troops and police carrying away mourners who have collapsed with grief / in the crush of the massive crowds. MS new King Hassan walking towards camera with others. MS line of Moroccan troops forming a chain. MS of the coffin on a bier with incense burning in the foreground. Various shots, mourners carrying wreaths up to the coffin. Coffin on the bier. Panning shot with coffin being carried on a gun carriage. High angle shot of the coffin being borne through the crowds. High angle shot crowds of Moroccans praying pan to the coffin. Date on dope sheet is 05/03/1961. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF
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