A British Instructional Film.
A block of rock is measured. Gasworks. A glass of water is poured from a jug. Surface of water with tiny water bugs running around on top. C/U of a sewing needle held in tweezers. Needle placed on piece of paper floated on top of bowl of water. Paper removed and needle is then floating on the surface. A watch spring is floated. A special float is placed in water. Liquid drops in C/U. Soap solution added to water and spring sinks. Ether vapour placed on surface of water and float rises. A square of cork is shown in C/U. A small piece of camphor is inserted into one edge. When cork placed on water the square rotates. Toy boats move on water. A film of soap solution - a bubble is blown. A wire shape is attached to the bubble and the bubble stretches.
A bubble is subjected to “rough handling“ (!) until it bursts. Two bubbles are banged against each other. Films of soap solution are produced on different wire frames. A bubble is punctured through a hole i