Unissued / Unused material.
Nikita Khruschev in Siberia. Russia (Soviet Union).
Various shots as Nikita Khruschev arrives and is greeted by old man who offers him large round loaf of bread which he kisses, a girl presents him with bunch of flowers. High angle MS crowded street in Siberia.
MS’s as audience stand applauding. Various shots of Khruschev on platform as he presents a medal to a man and shakes hands with him, then shakes hands with man holding banner. CU’s of audience and Khruschev applauding.
High angle MS snow covered street in Siberia. Exterior shots of the building where the meeting took place with large pictures of Khruschev and Lenin outside. MS people entering the building. MS crowded hall, audience applauding.
Various shots as Khruschev and party enter and take their places on platform - cut-in shots audience applauding. CU’s of speakers. General shots of the crowded hall. MS Khruschev on platform speaking. MS audience applauding.
1 view
4 months ago 06:53:29 1
’Злыe сaмapитянe. Mиф o cвoбoднoй тopгoвлe и сeкрeтнaя иcтoрия кaпитaлизмa’. 💰 [1/2] Хa–Джун Чaнг.
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