Evian - Algeria Cease Fire Talks Begin AKA Algeria Peace Talks (1962)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Evian les Bains, France CU Sign reading “Evian les Bains“ pan to security contraption across road, pan to armed French policeman standing on bridge. LS Pan across car park with parked vans, possibly police or army. MS A Swiss helicopter lands at the Hotel du Parc in Evian bringing the Algerian delegation to cease fire talks with France. MS Groups of photographers. MS Algerian Vice Premier and leader of the delegation, Belkacem Krim gets out of the helicopter. LS French troops with gun mounted on truck. LS The rest of the delegation including Mr. Saad Dahlad, Mr. Lakhdar Ben Tobball and Information Minister, Mohammed Yazid leave helicopter. MS Small crowd. MS Official cars drive away. CU Halte Police notice. Various shots, police checking vehicles on roads leading into Evian. LS Hotel du Parc. Pan across lake to French soldiers on gun placement guarding lake. MS 2nd helicopter landing. Various shots, the Algerian delegation d
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