Pope John’s New Year Blessing (1960)

Location: Rome, Italy Story about Pope John XXIII New Year Blessing CU. Statue of Christ holding wooden cross. LS. Pope John comes onto balcony reads blessing and then turns and leaves balcony. MS. Couple in horse-drawn cab. CU. Coach passes camera and travels on into St. Peter’s Square. CU. Cars parked in square. GV. Cars parked and crowds assembled on St. Peter’s steps. CU. Fountain in St. Peter’s Square. MS. Cars nearing St. Peter’s. LS. People on steps of St. Peter’s. LS. People on steps of St. Peters. CU. Dome of St. Peters. Two GVs St. Peter’s Square with parked cars. CU. Coach passes camera and travels on into St. Peter’s Square. CU. Cars parked in square. GV. Cars parked and crowds assembled on St. Peter’s steps. CU. Fountain in St. Peter’s square. MS. Cars nearing St. Peter’s. LS. People on steps. CU. Dome of St. Peter’s. Two Gas. St. Peter’s Square with parked cars. Two CU’s. Indian man and woman. MS. Cameraman with telephoto lens. CU. Small girl with camera. Gas. crowded St. Peter’s Squar
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