The Kenya Story (1961)

Various shots of flamingos flying over a lake while large flocks stand and walk in the water of Lake Nakuru in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya in Africa. M/S of a car driving away from us along a red dusty road; it slows down to let a line of zebras walk across the road and up a grassy slope. Nice M/S of zebras standing in a field with tails a-swishing. M/S of Colonel Mervyn Cowie, . looking at a map on the bonnet of a land rover with another man. Commentator tells us dedicated men like the Colonel have the task of maintaining these vast territories (of Royal National Parks and National Reserves). One of the men points off camera and looks through his binoculars. Lovely M/S of four rhinoceroses lying down with their heads on their front legs in a dusty field. M/S of the men pointing and discussing; C/U of two of the rhinos with their faces resting on the ground. M/S of a woman filming the animals with a cine camera; a man in khaki safari clothes and a small boy also look out of the window of the
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