Ulster Grand Motorcycle Prix Won By Hocking Ka Ulster M’cycle Grand Prix (1960-1969)

Unissued / unused material - dates and location may be unclear / unknown. 1961? Dundrod, Ulster, Northern Ireland. MS No.1. in pits. LS Rider taking positions on starting grid. MS No. 7. on grid. MS. No. 9. on grid, No. 45 in background. MS No. 4. on grid. CU No.1. signing autograph. CU No.1 positioning for off. MS Starting grid. LS Start of the Ulster Motorcycle Grand Prix. camera pans with bikes. Various LS, Riders approaching camera and going off picture on right. (Head in foreground obscuring some of these shots.) High shot from the bridge, riders approaching camera, camera pans with last rider. MS Back view of crowd at rail. LS No. 20 rounds hairpin bend. LS No.1. rounds hairpin bend. LS No. 6,8,49, 38 running hairpin bend. LS Nos. 46 and 7. LS Nos. 11 and 1 take the bend. LS No. 7 on hairpin bend. MS Crowd. Pan shot from L. to R. of No.1. MS No. 7. 12, 40 coming into pits at finish. CU Winner Gary Hocking from Southern Rhodesia / Zimbabwe, No 45, drinks bottle of lemonade. Various shots, Hock
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