New Lifeboats Launched By Duke Of Edinburgh (1961)

Kilcobben Cove, The Lizard, Cornwall. MS. Head on Lizard life boat. LS. Ditto. at bottom of slip way. MS. Two of crew. MS. as lifeboat goes down slipway into Cove pan with lifeboat as it sails round Cove. MS. Lifeboat coming along side jetty. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as he climbs ashore and is handed a box of lobsters by one of crew. CU. Name on bows of lifeboat “Lizard-Cadgwith Lifeboat“. MS. Deck of boat. MS. RNLI Flag flying. MS. Looking out of station doors with lifeboat at top of slip way. Shot of holiday makers on cliff top. Lifeboat at bottom of slip way MS. Holiday makers on cliff top MS. Pan with Duke as he arrives. MS. Duke being introduced to crew. Two shots Duke coming down a lifeboat lift. LS. Duke climbing aboard lifeboat. Various shots from top of cliff of cove and holiday a makers ice cream eaters etc. MS. RNLI Flag flying. CU. Coxswain George Edward Mitchell CUs. of the other members of crew. MS. Crew and wives lined up in readiness to receive Duke. LS. of Duke’s helicopter a
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