Greeting Cards Record A Aka Greetings Cards Record A (1955)

Islington, London. M/S of a glamour girl wearing a sexy Father Christmas outfit made of red velvet trimmed with white fur. She has a brightly coloured parrot sitting on her arm and poses against a curtain backdrop which has little bits of cotton wool attached (to represent snow presumably). A very bizarre sight! Camera pans down to show that the skirt of the outfit is very short, carries on to show her lovely legs and little red bootees! This is a greetings card studio in Islington. The model is Vanda Hudson. London Zoo have allowed the artists to borrow live animals to use as models. L/S of Vanda in the studio. A man walks into shot - a quintessential artist, he wears a beret, an artist’s smock and smokes a pipe. He walks over to Vanda and pulls her skirt up even shorter. The artist is King Gridley. Designer Davy Kaye is also mentioned. Over the shoulder shot of King at work. C/U of Vanda - she looks unreal, like a waxwork or someone in a Pierre et Gilles photograph. Camera pans for a be
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