For Princess Beatrix A Son (1967)

Location: Utrecht, Holland / Netherlands Story about Princess Beatrix of Holland giving birth to a son - Prince Alexander. Mute: VS Exteriors of the Hospital with the press hanging round People in cars arrive, including Prince Claus Von Amsberg and Queen Juliana of Holland. VS At press conference in hospital with the press waiting the news of the birth. They are told about the birth and begin to type or phone from a phone booth to report the news. VS Outside hospital people hear the news and dance and drink. At night the celebrations go on and flags are waved and a band play. VS The next day in Amsterdam flags and Orange pendants are seen. VS Children in school eating national sweetbread made of orange sugared caraway seed cakes. GV Exterior Castle Drakenesteyn the Royal couple’s home. VS. Small boys dressed as bakers arrive with large rusk as a gift for the Prince. VS Prince Claus in Castle making a statement to press. Sound: He gives details of his son’s weight and time of birth and h
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