Adventures of Felix The Cat: ’Futuritzy’ (1920-1929) | British Pathé

This hilarious archive episode of the animated series Adventures of Felix The Cat, ’Futuritzy’, has it all from marriage to astrology. For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: #BritishPathé #History #FelixtheCat #Felix #Cartoon #Animation Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: (FILM ID:) Check Copyright Animation. One in the series of “Adventures of Felix the Cat“ cartoons by Pat Sullivan. FELIX THE CAT - FUTURITZY Felix asks his girlfriend to marry him. He goes to her father who wants to know his prospects. He visits a fortune teller, but the Gypsy palm reader is of no help. He then goes to an Astrologist who looks at the stars and predicts Felix’s future - Felix will find a lucky horseshoe, with which he will catch a thief. The thief’s victim gratefully rewards Felix with a plane ride to the city and an enormous meal of milk an
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