Curtis V Swift Boxing (1961)

Unissued / Unused material - Brian Curvis beats Wally Swift in British Empire Welterweight boxing contest. Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. MS Crowd of men around ringside. LS Zoom into closer shot of Curvis and Swift fighting in the ring. MS of the fighters in the ring, zoom out to LS as round two end. CU Referee in corner. VS of the match in progress. MS Swift in his corner at end of round four. MS Card for round 5 Various shots of Round 5 and 6 with Swift going down twice in the sixth round. CU of the cards for Rounds 7 and 8 Various shots of the fight in progress. LS Card for round 9. LS Referee. MS Zoom out to LS as the fighters go to their corners at end of round 9. LS Card for round 10. Various shots of the fight in progress - round 10. Various shots of round eleven in progress, MS Card for round 12. MS Swift in his corner being refreshed. LS Swift on his knees, but he gets up and resumes fighting various shots of the fight in progress. Various shots of the fight in progress and of the last round
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