Warsaw Looks Back Twenty Years (1965)

Warsaw, Poland. Documentation on file. VS Around present day Warsaw showing young couples who are 20 years old. The couples stroll through the streets and chase a ball down some steps. They sit on wall and clown about, acting like young lovers. GV Warsaw today and rooftop shot. Flashback to 1944 with aerial views of Warsaw completely bombed out, the building like skeletons. MS One of the street barricades. GV Couple of clever shots of Warsaw in ruins. GV Church amidst ruins. GV Ruined Ksiazeca Street. GV Another main street in ruins. VS People returning to the ruins with their little belongings to find what’s left. VS Bits of paper stuck on what’s left of front doors to tell where the occupiers are now living. VS Wrecked tram in street and woman reading bit of paper looking for her relatives. MS People returning. VS People start to rebuild very slowly their homes. MS Woman cooking meal among ruins, pan to her rough bedroom and living room. VS Washing drying in ruins and a child bends and ties her shoe l
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