Selected Originals - Commonwealth Conference (1964)

Selected Originals (offcuts, out-takes, selected scenes, rushes) for newsreel story “Commonwealth Conference“ - 64/57. Marlborough House, London. GVs of Marlborough House. Duncan Sandys talking to policeman. Scenes of demonstration by Nigerian people outside Marlborough House and of Barbara Castle MP who helped organise it. Arrivals at Marlborough House on the first day of the conference: Jomo Kenyatta, Mr Robert Menzies (Australia), Indira Gandhi of India and Mr Khrishnamachari (Finance Minister of India), Milton Obote (Uganda) and Dr Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana). More scenes of demonstration by Nigerians and Ghanaians. More arrivals including: Duncan Sandys, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, African delegates, President Ayub Khan of Pakistan, Lester Pearson (Canada), African delegates, Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Ceylon / Sri Lanka), Another official, PM Margai of Sierra Leone, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of Nigeria, Delegate, Keith Holyoake (New Zealand), Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malaya, Dr Eric Williams. Scenes o
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