Mars Mysteries: 13 TechnOccult | Gigi Young

In this episode of Mars Mysteries we explore the techniques and tenets of a dark techno-spiritual cult that pulls the strings behind the scenes in society. While most higher spiritual practices highlight self responsibility, purification and compassion as their evolutionary principals, this cult holds no such virtues. Instead, they play god and rather than surrender to a higher power, they use drugs and technology to force their way into not only the minds of humanity, but the lower planes of consciousness. Through understanding this techno-spiritual, or ’TechnOccult,’ ideology we can see the workings of the regressive mars impulse that we explored in our last episode. Through following this stream we are finally introduced to mind control Dr. Extraordinare Andrija Puharich and his contribution to both the New Age and UFOlogy through a mysterious group called The Nine. My Links ☾ → WEBSITE: → INSTAGRAM: @gigi_young → FACEBOOK: https:
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