Country Craft Creations October Designer Challenge using Christmas Dreams and Midnight Ride Papers

Hello! Here’s a quick, easy and fun project to do that would make a great present with a little wow factor included. It’s a blast from the scrapbooking past. Tammy of Country Craft Creations challenged the designers to find a past project that we have either never done a tutorial on or a project that we did to a tutorial on in the past but wanted to resurrect and/or revamp it. So…I am resurrecting and revamping this explosion album I did in 2011. The link to my original blog post is here and here It is a fun project that I did two different ways in the past. I combined them into a new and revamped project. I am using Christmas Dreams and Midnight Ride to show you different looks (and because this is the third attempt to do this tutorial!), both collections are exclusive to Country Craft Creations at http://countrycraftcreat
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