Crated (2020) | Full Movie [4K Ultra HD]

We are choosing to allow people to watch it for free as we are passion driven and want as many people to see it as possible rather than for profit. We would forever appreciate a moment of your time to quickly SHARE the Film with as many people as you can! We are also open to any business related offers regarding our Feature Film, but most importantly we hope you enjoy! ~ Kyle Godfrey Crated (2020) | Full Movie [4K Ultra HD] | ( Horror / Thriller Film ) A group of six people mysteriously wake up in crates in the middle of nowhere. Their memory is somehow wiped from their minds with the exception of their names and the group is left to question who put them there, and why. They begin to assume that they are apart of some sick, twisted and sinister game. However, they soon realize they are apart of something much bigger. Crew Directed by: Kyle Godfrey Co-Directed by: David Ajibodu Director of Photography: Alex Lieu Edited by: Kyle Godfrey & Alex Lieu Score b
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