1987, Dee Dee’s in hospital. The guy in the next bed hears the doctor calling him ’Douglas Colvin’ so he starts calling him Doug E fresh, after the rapper. Dee Dee gets into this and starts making up raps to pass the time. They’re pretty funny and he makes a 12“ single for Rock Hotel Records under the pseudonym Dee Dee King with this great artwork by James Rizzi. It gets a pretty good reception and Dee Dee wants to make an album. It finally comes out in 1989 produced by Daniel Rey with Mark(y) Bell(Ramone) on drums and guest appearances from Debbie Harry and Chris Stein. Standing In The Spotlight is 10 fun songs sung in a rap style. Its got the original longer version of ’The Crusher’ that the Ramones did on their ’Adios Amigos’ album. At this time he’s still in the Ramones but he gets a taste of being the front man and the only boss and he likes it. Not too long after the album is released he leaves the band.... another info: Rapper Dee Dee King is actually rocker Dee
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