Allen Becomes An Alien | The Outer Limits

Out of ten scientists, Allen (Robert Culp) was chosen to undergo a mutation to transform from human to alien. Season 1, Episode 3 In order to unifying the nations of Earth, a group of scientists sets out to secretly create the ultimate, global threat -- an all-powerful alien monster -- via human mutation! Robert Culp stars as the scientist chosen to undergo the transformation. Buy Season 1 here: =atv_dp_season_select_s1 Enjoyed our video? Make sure to like and comment! Make sure to subscribe: Follow our Facebook here: ABOUT THE OUTER LIMITS: There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television Set. Do Not Attempt To Adjust The Picture. We Will Control All You See and Hear in this, the original, groundbreaking compendium of stories that reaches from the inner mind to The Outer Limits! #TVRerunClub #Th
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