UFO Sighting
Los Angeles, California on January 9, 2022
Detailed Description
A swarm of a dozen or more white objects was sighted hovering directly over the hollywood proper building at the corner of el centro and selma avenue before slowly moving northward and out of sight. at first glance, they were thought to be balloons but then noticed objects drifting nw then returning to their previous positions in the sky and altitude. the second guess was these white objects were possibly seagulls, but they moved in a mechanical-like manner. the lack of sound and high altitude combined with the number of objects ruled out privately owned drones. upon examination of photos taken, there was a black uap flying within the formation that was not visible to the eye but appears in the photo. two of the five observables are noted: low observability appears as white objects with no visible features. the black object later seen in the photo bears a slight resemblance to the us navy gimble object. positive lift no
1 view
2 months ago 00:10:08 1
Разделение временных линий на два мира происходит сейчас! Выбирайте свой мир, в котором хотите жить
4 months ago 00:09:39 1
Энки деактивировал нашу ДНК иличто-то добавил к ней? Уэс Пенре и Ариэль Глэд